Raising and Editing CA/PAs

The CA/PA process begins when you create a new CA/PA. This can be done in several ways:


  1. From the CA/PA list view or details view, click the icon in the top-left corner of the screen.
  2. From the home page, click the icon in "My Actions".
  3. Alternatively, if you would like to copy key information from an existing CA/PA (e.g. its source, owner, some of the common fields and its stages), in the list view, click the icon beside the CA/PA you wish to copy.


If you are creating a CA/PA from scratch (i.e. options a or b above), the Create Non-conformance screen will appear where you must choose the following:

Raising a CA/PA using a Wizard

When you are raising CA/PAs using a wizard, please be aware of the following:

Raising a CA/PA using a Template / Blank CA/PA record

For more information about the different fields in a CA/PA record, see Viewing CA/PAs.

What next?

Once the CA/PA has been raised, its owner (which may have been applied automatically from a template), is then responsible for assigning stages, actions and owners to the record. See Managing CA/PA Stages and Stage Actions.